Skulljs Documentation

Skulljs aims to give a standardized file structure to create web applications based on popular Javascript / Typescript frameworks.

Get Started

Open-source MIT Licensed. GitHub

Focus on the code not the structure 🧠

Quickly start a project based on popular frameworks without losing any time with project initialization.

Use Popular Frameworks ⭐

Skulljs is built on top of popular frameworks like NestJs or Angular.

Documentation-ready 📘

Use integrated tools like Compodoc or Swagger to generate documentation.

Security 🔒

Build robust and secure web application with built-in security tools such as Guards, Logger, HTTP headers, CORS support and Session support.

CLI and Utilities ⚙

Use the built-in utilities and CLI to simplify routine tasks such as generating emails, creating PDFs and establishing REST API routes based on database models.

Deployment-ready 🚀

Use the Command Line Interface to generate a project ready to be deployed with Docker or PM2.